
Nov 24, 2021

Gauchha Geet Nepali

By: Madhav Prasad Ghimire

Gauchha Geet Nepali

( गाउँछ गीत नेपाली )

Gauchha Geet Nepali is a national song (poem) composed by Madhav Prasad Ghimire. Here, he has described how Nepalese are singing song of their country in the first stanza, natural beauty of Nepal in the second, great personnel who have renowned Nepal in the world in the third, greatness and bravery of Nepalese soldiers in the fourth, and love and dedication of every Nepalese to their land in the fifth. This poem is printed in every school textbook of Nepal.

गाउँछ गीत नेपाली, ज्योतिको पंख उचाली
जय, जय, जय नेपाल, सुन्दर शान्त विशाल ।

A Nepali is singing a song by lifting the wings of light. Hail, hail and hail Nepal; the country of beauty, peace and greatness.

गण्डकी, कोशी, कर्णाली, मेची र महाकाली
लेक र बेँसी ब्युँझाउँछन् लहर लाखौँ उचाली ।
हिमालचुली बोलाउँछ पहिलो झुल्का निकाली
सगरमाथा शिखरमा पुग्दछ पहिले नेपाली ।

Great rivers like Gandaki, Koshi, Karnali, Mechi and Mahakali flowing across high hills and plains enlivens everything by creating thousands of waves. Great Himalayas calls (the nation) with their first glimpse, and it is Nepali who first reaches the highest of the summit (Mt. Everest).

सीताले सारा भिजाइन् दक्षिण लंका भारत
भृकुटी तारा उदाइन् उत्तर चीन, तिब्बत ।
बुद्धले यहीँ पाएथे ज्ञानको पहिलो मुहान
शिवले यहीँ ल्याएथे सृष्टिको पहिलो बिहान ।

Goddess Sita, who is the daughter of Nepal, travelled through the whole region of South Lanka and India, thus purifying the lands by touching them with her lotus feet. Princess Bhrikuti (who is also a Nepalese daughter, and considered as an incarnation of Tara) also rose and shined around China and Tibet. It is Nepal where Buddha was born and found the first source of knowledge, and it is Nepal where Lord Shiva brought the first morning (source) of creation.

पश्चिम किल्ला काँगडा पूर्वमा टिस्टा पुगेथ्यौँ
कुन शक्तिको सामुमा कहिले हामी झुकेथ्यौँ ।
हामीले हिमाल उठायौँ एसियाको माझमा
सभ्यता बास बसेथ्यो आएर यहीँ साँझमा ।

We had reached till Kangada in the west and Tista in the east (defeating foes) and we had never bowed down to any kind of enemy power. It is us (Nepalese) who lifted the Mountain in the center of Asia. And it is in our land where the civilization first came and rested in the dusk.

यही नेपाली धुलामा दिलको फूल रोपेर
यही पहाडी शिलामा प्रीतिको गीत खोपेर ।
बाँचौँला हामी नेपालमा चन्द्र र सूर्य ध्वाजा लिई
नाचौँला हामी हिमालमा ज्योतिको पंख उचाली ।

Therefore, planting the flower of heart in this Nepali dust (soil), and piercing the hilly rock with the song of love, shall we live in Nepal waving the flag shined with the symbol of Moon (Peace) and Sun (Bravery), and dancing in the Himalayas lifting the wings of light (excellence).

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