
Nov 28, 2021

Prashnottara Mala

By: Bhanubhakta Acharya

Prashnottara Mala

( प्रश्नोत्तर माला )

Prashnottara Mala, literally translated as "Garland of Questions & Answers", is a Nepali poem composed by Adi Kavi Bhanubhakta Acharya. In this poem, the author has described moral, social, ethical and spiritual wisdoms in the form of questions and answers.

डुब्याँ शरण् कुन् छ मलाइ याहाँ ?
चाँडो कृपाले अहिले बताऊ
श्रीरामको पाउ छ मुख्य नाऊ ।।१।।

In this vast ocean of material existence, I have been drowned. What refuge is there for me in this place (which removes all the sorrows of life)?
With compassion, please tell me quickly. "Shri Rama's feet is the supreme stern (guidance) for your destiny", a voice is heard, "so he is the only One refuge for you".

कुन हो सदा बन्धनमा पर्याको ?
जस्ले छ यो मन् सुखमा धर्याको ।
मुक्ती भन्याको त पदार्थ कुन् हो ?
वैराग्य भन्नू चिज जान्नु जुन् हो ।।२।।

What is that which remains always in bondage? Those sensual objects which keep the mind satisfied.
What substance is that which is considered as relief (salvation) from earthly miseries? It is called "detachment" from material pleasures.

ठुलो नरक् कुन् छ भनेर जान्नू ?
यही शरीरै छ भनेर मान्नू ।
कस्तो स्वभाव् स्वर्ग भनेर जान्नू ?
तृष्णा छुट्या स्वर्ग भनेर मान्नू ।।३।।

Which hell is considered to be the greatest? The own's body (which has not been kept under control).
What kind of behavior is considered as heaven? That behavior which does not encompass lust.

कुन् ज्ञान् छ ठूलो भनि लीनु पर्न्या ?
वेदान्तको ज्ञान छ दु:ख हर्न्या ।
कुन् हो सहज् मोक्ष गरायिदीन्या ?
ज्ञान् हो अरूको किन नाम लीन्या ।।४।।

Which knowledge is considered to be the greatest? The knowledge of the Vedanta which can remove all the difficulties of life.
What is that thing which can easily bestow salvation? It is obviously the knowledge, why to speak of other ways!

सुत्न्या सुखै पूर्वक आद्मि कुन् हो ?
समाधि लायी रहन्या त जुन् हो ।
जागा कउन् हो कसरी उ जान्न्या ?
जो सत् असत्को छ विवेक गर्न्या ।।६।।

Which person can sleep in ecstasy? He who is always established in meditative consciousness.
Who is that who always remains awake? He who has understood the difference of real and unreal (truth and illusion).

कस्लाइ हो शत्रु भनेर जान्नू ?
आफ्ना दशै इन्द्रिय शत्रु मान्नू ।
कस्लाइ खूब् मित्र भनेर मान्नू ?
जीत्या तिनै इन्द्रिय मित्र जान्नू ।।७।।

Who is to be known as the enemy (of all)? Consider it to be the ten sense organs (in your own body) which you've failed to conquer.
Who is to be known as the dearest friend (of all)? It, indeed, is the same ten sense organs that have been conquered (by the right intellect and knowledge).

दरिद्र नाऊँ नरमा छ कस्को ?
विशाल तृष्णा घरमा छ जस्को ।
कुन् हो धनी सब् नरले कह्याको ?
सन्तोषले जो छ खुसी रह्याको ।।८।।

Who, among the humans, is considered as beggar? He, who has presence of great lust in home (i.e., who is constantly involved in fulfillment of lust, or who is never satisfied).
Who is considered to be the richest among the humans? It definitely is he who lives satisfyingly with what he has obtained (this doesn't imply laziness), and still does his necessary duties without attachment and lust.

जिउँदै मर्याको भनि नाम् छ कस्को ?
उद्यम् बिना बित्तछ काल जस्को ।
अमृत्-सरी कुन् छ भन्या ? निराशा
पाशा कउन् हुन् ? ममतै छ पाशा ।।९।।

Who is considered to be dead even while living? It is he who lives without labor (i.e., who ignores his duties and lives in indolence).
What is that thing which is equal to nectar? It is freedom from desire. And which is considered to be the trap (in this world)? It is the feeling of love and attachment.

मृत्यू भन्याको भन आज कुन् हो ?
अप्यश् भन्याको तिमि जान जुन् हो ।
कुन् हो सबैले गुरु भन्नु पर्न्या ?
जो हो हितैको उपदेश गर्न्या ।।११।।

What is considered to be similar to death? Know that to be the dishonor (disgrace).
What is that which is to be considered as Guru (teacher)? Know that to be him who imparts the knowledge of welfare of humanity (and every other creature).

कुन् शिष्य हो शिष्य भनेर जान्नू ?
जुन् गर्छ सेवा उहि शिष्य मान्नू ।
कुन् दीर्घ रोग् हो सबलाइ हर्न्या ?
संसार हो जन्मनु मर्नु पर्न्या ।।१२।।

Which disciple is considered to be the true disciple? He who does service (to his Guru and everyone honorable).
Which is the long-term disease that inflicts everyone? It is, indeed, the material world, where everyone has to born and die.

यो दीर्घरोग् फेक्न उपाय कुन् हो ?
अनित्य सब् जान्नु विचार जुन् हो ।
भूषण् छ कुन् सज्जनले कह्याको ?
शीलै छ भूषण् बहुतै बन्याको ।।१३।।

This life-long disease, as mentioned above, how can it be ended? Knowing this life to be transient (which exist only for certain point in time, and thus realizing the eternal Self that exists within) can cut off bondage from this material existence.
What is to be considered as an ornament, as told by the virtuous? It is the right character which is to be worn by everybody.

कुन् सुन्न बेस् हुन्छ भनेर मान्नू ?
वेदान्तका बात् गुरुदेखि सुन्नू ।
कुन् ब्रह्म जान्नाकन हेतु मान्नू ?
सत्सङ्ग वेदान्त बिचार जान्नू ।।१५।।

What is worthy of hearing? The wisdom of Vedanta, from the mouth of a Guru, is worthy to be heard.
What is to be considered as absolute (Truth)? Know that to be the right association and the wisdom of Vedanta.

कुन् सन्त हुन् ? लोक्कन तुच्छ मान्न्या,
सब् छोडि साँचो शिवतत्त्व जान्न्या ।
ज्वर् कुन् छ ? चिन्ता ज्वर-तुल्य मन्न्या,
कुन् मूर्ख हो ? कत्ति विवेक् नगर्न्या ।।१६।।

Who are considered to be the saint? Those who believe material world and material pleasures to be inferior (temporary) and have renunciated from them realizing the eternal Self within.
What is the pain here? Know that grief is like a pain here. Who is considered foolish? It is he who never speaks wise.

कुन् काम हो मन् दिइ गर्नु पर्न्या ?
श्री विष्णुको भक्ति छ दु:ख हर्न्या ।
कुन् आद्मि हो यस् नरमा जियाको ?
दिर्दोषि भै मन् हरिमा दियाको ।।१७।।

What activity is there which should be done by heart? Know that to be the devotion to Shree Vishnu, which is the only way of removal of sorrows.
Which man is considered to be living? He who feels guilt (for being ignorant) and constantly remembers Hari (for his blessings).

विद्या र बोध् कुन् चिजलाइ भन्छन् ?
जुन् पाउँदा मुख्य भयी रहन्छन् ।
कुन् मुख्य लाभ् हो ? भन आज तेही ।
आत्मासरीको अरु छैन केही ।।१८।।

What is considered to be both knowledge and realization? It is that by obtaining which one feels great (blessed).
What is that great wealth then, say this today? It is the Soul, nothing is equal or more important than that.
[Note: Among all the wealth we possess, a Soul is considered to be the greatest because it is the only source for realizing the Truth and achieving freedom from the bondage of Samsara. Every other wealth only increases the bondage.]

सारा जगत् जित्छ अवश्य कस्ले ?
अभ्यास् गरी मन्कन जित्छ जस्ले ।
कस्ता बली वीर् कन वीर् कहन्छन् ?
कन्दर्प जस्का वशमा रहन्छन् ।।१९।।

Who alone can inevitably conquer this whole world? Only he who constantly do Sadhana and conquers his mind (and the senses).
Which sacrifice of heroes is considered truly heroic? The sacrifice of keeping one's sexual organ in control (one who can do this, he is considered truly heroic).

कुन् दु:खि हो यस् विषलाई लीन्या ?
संसारमा खुप्सित चित्त दीन्या ।
कुन् धन्य हो ? जुन् छ परोपकारी,
कुन् पूज्य हो ? तत्त्व लिन्या विचारी ।।२१।।

Who is that poor who takes this poison? It is him who gives all his thought (and heart) to this material world.
Who is called blessed? He, who is benevolent. And who is worthy of praise? It is he who grasps the essence (rather than appearance) of everything.

कौनै बखत्मा पनि क्या नगर्नू ?
पाप्मा अगाडी कहिल्यै नसर्नू ।
विद्वान् पुरुष्ले कति काम गर्नू ?
स्वधर्म थामीकन शास्त्र पढ्नू ।।२२।।

What should not be done even in any condition? Sin, never adopt it.
How much should a wise person do? Holding the self-duty and reading the scriptures on a daily basis.

कुन् हो पशूतुल्य भनी कह्याको ?
विद्या नभै मूर्ख पडी रह्याको ।
सज्ज्नहरू कस्सित सङ् नगर्नू ?
खल्-पापि-निच्का नगिचै नपर्नू ।।२५।।

Who is considered to be equal to an animal? That man who remains foolish due to lack of right knowledge.
Whom should the good people never associate with? They are the restless, sinful and who expects low of others. A good person should try to stay away from them.

कस्ता पुरुष् मुक्त भएर तर्छन् ?
सत्सङ्ग-भक्तीहरु जो त गर्छन् ।
छोटो कउन् हो ? नलजाई माग्न्या,
कुन् हो बडो ? जो धनमा नलाग्न्या ।।२६।।

What kind of man can be liberated? Those who involve in good association, and who keep faith on God and pray him.
Who is the inferior? He who begs without hesitation. And who is the superior? He, who doesn’t crave for wealth.

जन्म्यो कउन् ? जन्मनु फेर् नपर्न्या
मर्न्या कउन् हो ? मरि फेर् नमर्न्या ।
कस्लाइ लाटो छ भनेर भन्छन् ?
जो ता बखत्मा पनि चुप् रहन्छन् ।।२७।।

Who has really born? He who will not born again (i.e. who has to attain liberation). Who has really died? He who will not die again (i.e. who has attained liberation).
[Note: One who attains liberation will neither born nor die again, i.e. he is freed from all material reactions.]
Who is considered to be really dumb? He who doesn't speak even in the required moment/opportunity.

उत्तम् भन्याको भन आज कुन् हो ?
सज्जनहरूको सुचरित्र जुन् हो ।
कुन् कर्मले शोक्हरू दूर हुन्छन् ?
श्री विष्णुका पूजनले ति टर्छन् ।।२९।।

What is considered to be the excellent? It is the right character of the virtuous.
Which action can end all the suffering? The action of worshipping Lord Vishnu ends them all.

कुन् शत्रु हुन् खुब् वलवान् भयाका ?
कामादि हुन् सब् नरले कह्याका ।
कुन् हो कसै पूर्ण गरी नसक्नू ?
कामै छ त्यस्तो अरु कीन बक्नू ।।३०।।

What is that enemy which is the strongest of all? It is desire for Bhoga (sex), which everyone says.
What is that which cannot be made satisfied? It indeed is the sex (sexual desire), why then to speak of others?
[Note: Sexual desire is the strongest desire on earth. It cannot be made satisfied by any person who crave for material pleasures.]

कुन् दु:खको मूल भनेर जान्नू ?
मेरो म हुम् भन्नु छ तेहि मान्नू ।
कुन् हो जगत्को गहना बन्याको ?
विद्यै छ सब्को गहना बन्याको ।।३१।।

What is considered to be the source of suffering? It is the egoistic thought of 'I' and 'mine'.
What is considered to be the ornament of Earth? It is the knowledge, which exist as the ornament of everyone.

ठूलो छ दान् कुन् गरि ताप हर्न्या ?
सब् प्राणिको निर्भय जो त गर्न्या ।
कुन् हो बुझ्यओ निश्चय नाश हून्या ?
त्यो भक्तको मन् छ भनेर जान्न्या ।।३३।।

Which charity is the greatest, by doing so all the evil reactions can end? It is the protection of every creature from fear.
What is that which will certainly be destroyed? It is the desire of the devotee.
[Note: A true devotee only thinks of God and considers Him to be his supreme goal and the only source of happiness, thus abandoning all the selfish material desires.]

कस्तो भयामा भय छुट्टि हुन्छन् ?
मुक्तै भयामात्र ति पाप टर्छन् ।
वाण्तुल्य कुन् हो अति दु:ख दीन्या ?
जुन् मूर्खता हो उहि जानि लीन्या ।।३४।।

In what condition do all the fear go away? It is liberation, the only achievement, by attaining which all the sins and fear fade away.
What is like an arrow, which gives immense pain? It is the foolishness, know that to be the cause of pain.

कस्का सधैं दास् भइ पाउ पर्नू ?
बूढा गुरूमा लगि चित्त धर्नू ।
प्राणान्तका समयमा कति कर्म गर्नू ?
सम्पूर्ण छोडि रघुनाथ्-तिर चित्त धर्नू ।।३५।।

Whom should we take refuge, considering us to be his servant? It is our old (aged) Guru. So, go to him and take refuge on his feet.
How much has to be done at the time of death? Forget everything else, and fix your mind upon Raghunath (Shri Rama).

कुन् चोर हो इ जनको भनि चोर जान्नू ?
जुन् वासना त छ असत् उहि चोर मान्नू ।
शोभायमान भयि बस्छ सभाविषे को ?
सब् को प्रसन्न मन गर्दछ शास्त्रले जो ।।३६।।

What is considered to be the thief of these people? Know that to be the deceitful lust.
Who stays gracefully in the midst of assembly? Know that to be him who gives joy to everyone speaking the words of scriptures.

मातासरी सुख दिन्या कुन चीज् छ जान्नू ?
विद्यै छ त्यस्तो अरु कौन खोज्नू ।
कुन् हो जती-जति दियो उति बढ्न जान्या ?
विद्यै रहेछ बुझि निश्चय तेहि मान्या ।।३७।।

What thing is that which provides happiness just like a mother? Know that to be the knowledge, there is nothing else to search for.
What thing is that which increases the more you give? It, certainly, is the knowledge.

कुन् काम हो अति डरायर दूर सार्नू ?
लोकापवाद् छ घटिया कहिल्यै न धर्नू ।
कुन् कर्म गर्दछ भन्या उहि बन्धु मान्नू ?
आफ्नो सहाय यदि गर्दछ बन्धु जान्नू ।।३८।।

What is that action, by being fearful, one should abandon? It is the dishonor of the people; never do it because it is the worst.
By seeing which deed can we consider someone as our friend? If someone helps us, consider him to be our friend.

कस्ता मनुष्यकन पित्रि भनेर जान्नू ?
जसले त पालन गर्यो उहि पित्रि मान्नू ।
कुन् चीज जानिकन चीज् रहँदैन जान्नू ?
यो चीज् त नित्य परमेश्वरलाइ मान्नू ।।३९।।

What kind of human should be considered as ancestors? One who has taken care of us is considered as ancestors.
What thing is that, by understanding which, nothing remains to be understood? Know that to be the Eternal God.

कुन् चीह्निया सकल चीजहरू चिह्निइन्छन् ?
ईश्वर चिह्न्या सकल वाँहि चिह्नी सकिन्छन् ।
कुन् चीज् रहेछ अति दुर्लभ खोजि हान्नू ?
सत्सङ्ग हो अधिक दुर्लभ तेहि मान्नू ।।४०।।

By knowing what, everything is known? It is God, know Him to be the basic substratum of everything.
What is that thing which is very rare to be found? It is right-association, know that to be the rarest of all.

कुन् त्याग् कहिन्छ ? शिवको सब तत्त्व जान्नू,
कुन् जीत्न सक्नु छ कठिन् ? उ त काम मान्नू ।
कुन् हो पशूसरि भनी नरले कह्याको ?
आत्मा नजानिकन मूर्ख पडी-रह्याको ।।४१।।

What is considered to be the sacrifice? Obtaining knowledge of Shiva Tattva (essence of the Soul), know it to be the greatest sacrifice. What is that which is very difficult to defeat? Know that to be the desire for sex.
Who is known to be equal as animal (by the wise)? Know that to be him who is foolishly wandering in this material world being failed to understand the nature of the Soul.

कुन् चीज् छ चञ्चल यहाँ क्षण एक् घरीको ?
आयुष्य यौवन बुझ्या बिजुली सरीको ।
कुन् दान् ठहर्छ अति मुख्य यहाँ गर्याको ?
जुन् दान् छ पात्रहरुका मुखमा पर्याको ।।४३।।

What is restless here which exists only for a moment at a time? Know that to be the vital force and adolescence, which is like a current (ever flowing).
Which donation can be considered as the greatest? Know that to be the donation which is given directly to the helpless (i.e. which benefits the helpless).

प्राण् जान खोज्दछ भन्या पनि कन् नगर्नू ?
संसार् अनित्य बुझि पाप् कहिल्यै नगर्नू ।
कुन् हो अघी सरिसरीकन गर्नु पर्न्या ?
पूजा सदाशिबजिको सब पाप हर्न्या ।।४४।।

What should never be done, even at the time of utmost necessity? Knowing this world to be the transient, never perform any sinful activity.
What is that which should be done with utmost desire? Know that to be the regular worship of Lord Shiva, which is the only way of removing all sins.

कुन् कर्म मुख्य भनि सद्गुरुले कहन्छन् ?
जुन् कर्मले त परमेश्वर खुश् रहन्छन् ।
कुन् स्थानमा बसुँ भनीकन दील् नदीनू ?
संसारमा भनि अवश्य चिह्नेर लीनू ।।४५।।

Which action is considered to be the prime, as told by the noble teachers? Know that to be such action which keeps the God happy.
Where should one never put his heart to stay? Know that to be the world (which is the place for bondage and suffering).

रात् दिन् निरन्तर कतातिर चित्त धर्नु ?
संसार् अनित्त्य बुझि तत्त्व-विचार गर्नू ।
तत्वै–विचार् छ सबको सब पाप हर्न्या,
ज्ञान् जान्नलाइ सबले यहि चित्त धर्न्या ।।४६।।

Where should one put his thought constantly all day and night? Know that to be the thought of the Soul considering this world and every creation to be transient (and Soul as the eternal).
It is the thought of the Soul-essence which is capable of removing all the sins. To understand the real knowledge (Truth), one should constantly think of the essence of the Soul (or meditate).

प्रश्नोत्तरै छ बढिया गुरुले भन्याको,
सत्कर्म जान्नकन अर्तिसरी बन्याको ।
यस्को निरन्तर बिचार् जतिले त गर्छन्,
संसार्-समुद्र सहजै त तिनै त तर्छन् ।।४७।।

This knowledge, in the form of questions and answers, is the greatest, as told by the Gurus. To learn about the right actions, this poem is like the guidance.
Whoever constantly remember this knowledge, they alone can be capable of crossing this vast ocean of worldly existence.

प्रश्नोत्तरै हो मणिरत्नमाला,
यस्लाइ पैह्रेर जहाँ त जाला ।
तेस्को यसैले सब पाप टार्ला,
फेर् अन्त्यमा मुक्त गराइ छाड्ला ।।४८।।

Prashnottara indeed is like the pearl-beads of a garland. Whoever wears (implements) this, that person, wherever he goes,
His all sins will be erased by this knowledge. And in the end, he certainly attains liberation (freedom from earthly bondage, and freedom from all fears of birth, disease, poverty, old age, and death).

Note: I have opted few verses since they have dishonored feminism which i'm completely against of. Good and bad lies in the eye (and nature) of a beholder, and not in the other object. If someone is determined in his vow (duty), then no one can disturb him. If he gets moved, then he is equally to be blamed as the one who disturbs him. This is my conviction.
"Respect Women and Feminism just like you respect your sister and your Mother!!"

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