
Nov 30, 2021


By: Laxmi Prasad Devkota


( प्रश्नोत्तर )

Prashnottara is a wisdom-filled poem composed by Maha Kavi Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Here, he has discussed about the life inspiring lessons in the form of questions and answers.

'के हो अहो ! अमृत त्यो सुरदेव पान ?'
'सच्चा कमाइ गरिखानु भनेर जान ।'

What is that nectar-like thing which the brave demiGods drank? Know that to be the fruit of rightful earning.

'खोज्छन् सबै सुख भनी सुख त्यो कहाँ छ ?'
'आफू मिटाइ अरुलाई दिनु जहाँ छ ।'

Everybody search for happiness, but where is that situated? It is in that act where one forgets his selfish desire and donate others (especially the helpless).
[Note: Sharing can only provide best happiness in the world.]

'पाइन्न शान्ति किन हो ? कुन ठाउँ मिल्छ ?'
'तर्किन्न त्यो रूखमनी, जुन साथ मिल्छ ।'

Peace has not been obtained, where is it found? It doesn’t drip from the tree, but comes from within.
[Note: Peace cannot be obtained unless one is self-satisfied, so it has to come from within.]

'देखिन्छ ईश कुन मन्दिरमा पसेर ?'
'त्यो हाँस्छ शुद्ध मन-आसनमा बसेर ।'

To see (find) God, which temple should be entered? God reveals himself smiling from the pure heart in which he resides, he cannot be found by searching.

'यस्तो रहस्यमय जीवन बुझ्नलाई,
जानू कहाँ ? पढनु के ? गुरु को बनाई ?'

This mysterious life, how can it be understood? Where to go, what to study, and which Guru should I follow?

'फुल्दो गुलाबबिच ज्ञान अनेक फुल्छन्,
उद्यानमा बस गई सब तत्व खुल्छन् ।'

In the blossoming rose, all the knowledge emerges. Go and sit in the garden, you will understand the essence of life.
[Note: One who observes the nature with love and deep analyzation, will automatically understand the meaning of life. Nature is the best teacher.]

'कर्तव्य के छ जनको, यति छन् विरोध ?'
'नक्षत्र हेर नभमा, दिलसाथ सोध !'

What is the duty of a man? This has ever been the subject of dispute. Look up at the stars in the sky (at night), and ask your own heart about it.
[Note: Duty of a man is not objective, rather it is subjective. Therefore, ask yourself what you needed to do.]

'के हो ठुलो जगतमा ?' 'पसिना विवेक',
'उद्देश्य के लिनु ?' 'उडि छुनु चन्द्र एक ।'

What is the greatest thing in the world? It is labor (sweat) of honest work and wisdom. And what is needed to be taken as an aim? To fly and touch the moon, for an instance.
[Note: This doesn't imply we should really fly in the sky and touch the moon. It implies that we should aim high (big).]

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